Getaway Girlz Read online

Page 10

  They danced for a while, then Vivian needed another break and gave Jon the I-need-a-drink signal. Holding her hand, he led her off the dance floor.

  Al and Adrienne were back at the table, looking like they needed to cool off. Al was red faced and his shirt was soaked through. Even his chest hairs were flat. Adrienne, though a little sweaty, looked happy, probably because Al hadn’t been on the phone in a while.

  Al signaled the waiter. “Order what you like on Big Al.”

  The girls gave another round of “woo-hoos” and placed their orders.

  They watched the dancers and when the drinks arrived, and it was time to cheers again.

  This time Vivian gave the toast to “Life, love and the pursuit of hot men on vacation,” to which Al rolled his eyes but clinked with them anyway.

  Jon put his arm around Vivian just as a waitress walked up with a martini in her hand.

  “Are you Dominik?”

  Jon looked at the martini, then looked at the waitress. “Yeah, that’s me,” he resigned.

  She set the martini on the table in front of him. “Stella said this is your favorite.”

  Vivian looked around for Stella, but didn’t see her.

  “Great, thanks-ola,” he said without enthusiasm.

  “Who is Stella?” Adrienne asked.

  The girls gave her, Al and Arturo the rundown of the woman from the Purple Peacock the night before. Including the floozy story.

  “What’s up with her sending you a drink?” Adrienne asked. “Do you really like martinis?”

  “I’ve honestly never had one,” Jon replied. “I’m more of a beer man, can’t have too many though.” He rubbed his stomach. “Gotta keep up the physique.”

  Vivian smiled to herself. She had felt those abs and they were divine.

  He continued. “On the set the ‘martini’ was just water, not the real stuff.” He took a sip and made a face. “How do people drink these things? This is horrible!”

  Regardless, in the next sip he sucked down the whole thing.

  “Horrible, huh?” Vivian asked.

  “Well, I don’t want to be rude to a fan.” He winked at her. “Even if she is cuckoo.”

  Vivian sipped her drink and watched the dancers, content just to be with her friends, new and old, especially Jon. She enjoyed his company, okay, and his lips. And she liked that she didn’t feel any pressure from him. No, “wanna come back to my place?” or, “why don’t you come visit me in Montreal sometime?” Just being in the moment was good enough for both of them. Of course, they had just met, but in Vivian’s experience she found some guys were ready to settle down by the second date. Ugh!

  Al turned to Adrienne. “You about ready babe?”

  “Sure, sweetie,” she said and stood up, polishing off her drink.

  “It’s been fun,” Al said to the rest of them. “You kids stay outta trouble.”

  “Never!” Vivian said.

  After they left, Jon offered, “How about another drink? On me this time.”

  Vivian gave her stamp of approval but Wendy said, “One more and that’s it for me. I’m beat.”

  Lucy and Kate agreed. It was already after 1 o’clock in the morning.

  As the drinks arrived, the music turned funky and the lights dimmed. Two women and one man, dressed all in black, took the stage and lit batons on fire.

  The guy was dressed in tight pants and a sleeveless shirt, showing off his nicely cut arms. The women wore short shorts and halter tops. Not much more than the essentials were covered. Patent leather knee-length boots covered more than anything else they wore.

  “Snazzy.” Wendy commented.

  “What’s this?” Kate asked Arturo.

  “Ancient Aztec dance,” he responded.

  “Somehow I don’t think the Aztecs wore these outfits back in the day,” Vivian said.

  Jon laughed.

  The trio started with one baton each, flaming at both ends. They lit several more, tossed them to, around, and on top of one another. They threw those suckers like they weren’t worried at all about their hair. Vivian felt the heat, though it was only marginally hotter than the air in the club.

  The fire baton dancer’s stunts were cool, but the girls, Arturo, Jon and Pierre gave the performance a nine out of ten because of the crappy music, which was techno’d out and repetitive.

  “That was amazing,” Kate said. “I want to be a fire thrower!”

  “Not tonight, I hope,” Lucy countered. “I’m done. You guys ready?”

  Wendy took the last sip of her drink and grabbed her purse. “Yep.”

  Pierre stood up. “I’ll walk you ladies back to the hotel.”

  Arturo also got up. “I’m going home too. Bueñas noches.”

  “Nobody wants to stay?” Vivian asked.

  “I’ll stay,” Jon said.

  I was hoping he would say that.

  “I’ll probably be there in about an hour or so,” Vivian told the girls. “Don’t wait up!”

  Lucy hugged Vivian’s neck. “Okay, we’ll see you in the morning. Don’t have too much fun now.”


  Kate smacked Vivian’s butt and told her to be good.

  “No, ma’am. Oh, I mean yes, ma’am.”

  Jon stood and gave them hugs. “Adiós-ola,” he called after them.

  Jon and Vivian hit the dance floor for a few more songs and then returned to the table. He sat close and put his arm around her. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She had a zillion thoughts going through her head. Most of them were pushing her in the direction of doing something she shouldn’t. He is pretty cute and has a nice bod, even if he has bad taste in shirts and is way too pale. Who knew the Canadians could be so sexy! Keanu Reeves is sexy, and I think he’s Canadian, but I’m still technically married. Shit!

  “Okay, I’m officially hot,” Jon said after a few minutes, then suggested, “Why don’t we walk over to the hotel and have a drink outside at the bar?”

  “Sounds good, let’s blow this joint-ola.”

  He grabbed Vivian’s hand and gave her a wink. “See, now you get it – ola!”


  THE STREETS were fairly empty and shops were closed as Jon and Vivian left Club Caliente for their hotel. Even the panhandlers had closed up for the night. Only a few people were out, all of whom seemed to be stumbling about a bit.

  They walked through the sand to the poolside bar, which was deserted. The bartender was shutting down but agreed to serve them one more margarita.

  Jon offered a toast “to beautiful Texas women.”

  Is he workin’ it or what?

  “Let’s go for a walk on the beach,” Jon said. “Just a short walk to end our night.”

  How can I resist?

  Jon and Vivian said goodnight to the bartender and sauntered down to the beach. Vivian kicked off her shoes to walk in the surf. The water felt amazing, cool and refreshing after the sultry salsa club.

  Jon held Vivian’s hand. The gesture somehow seemed more intimate than the kissing and dancing they’d been doing.

  “So tell me more about yourself,” he said. “What do you do in Texas?”

  She smirked. “I’m a mega-multitasker.”

  “Multitasker. Excellent. I’ve never heard of that profession.”

  “Yeah, well I have a couple of jobs. I work at a hospital, but more importantly, I’m a mom.”

  “Wow,” he took a step back and looked her up and down. “You don’t look like a mom.”

  Good reply.

  “I am,” Vivian sucked in a deep breath. “In fact, I actually have four kids.”

  She waited for his response, be it him sprinting off down the beach away from her or a giant gasp. He did neither.

  “They’re all very young — Audrey is 4, Lauren is 2, and the twins, Olivia and Ben are only 8 months old.” She hesitated, still listening for some sign of his reaction. “So you can see how the divorce was a bit of a surprise.”

  He stopped wal
king and turned her toward him.

  “Vivian, sounds like you have a beautiful family. You’ve really got your hands full.”

  She looked up at him and shrugged. “Better full than empty.”

  “A single mom with four kids. Young kids…babies. That ex of yours must be a real jerk-ola.”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “Wow, Vivian, a lot of people in your shoes would be falling apart.”

  “Well, I’m not a fall-apart kind of gal. I figure it’s not going to do anybody any good, so why do it?”

  “Good point, but still…”

  Vivian turned away from him, stared out at the water and took a deep breath.

  “I’m more of a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of girl. He’s a dick. He knows it. He’s giving me everything in the divorce so I’m okay financially. Do I wish this were different? Of course. Am I nervous about what comes next? Absolutely.”

  With a little ferocity, she added, “No sense in becoming a depressed do-nothing damsel in distress. I wasn’t one before; I’m not going to be one now.”

  “Damn, girl! I feel like I need to find a pedestal or something for you to step up on with your boots and bootstraps. You know, your message could really help a lot of people.”

  “There’s no message. Just me.”

  He turned her back towards him again, cradled her face in his hands and leaned down. “I think you’re amazing.”

  With that he gave her a long, slow, deep, toes-curl-in-the-sand, kiss.


  He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. Her heart raced and the lyrics of Josh Weathers’ “Mind, Body & Soul” ran through her mind. “I love you… mind… body… and soul.”

  She didn’t love Jon’s soul yet, but there was some definite lust going on. She did love his body and his mind, in that order.

  Her legs felt heavy, or are they weak?, and she could tell she was going to regret some of the dance moves she made earlier in the night.

  Vivian didn’t want to regret any more, so she pulled back and took a deep breath. “I better go up.”

  Before turning around, he stopped to pick up something in the surf and handed it to Vivian. “Here, I want you to have this. Unbroken conch shells bring good luck.”

  As they walked back toward the hotel, Vivian touched the sharp point of the shell and ran her hands along the rough exterior spines, then the smooth interior. Though she was on the ocean, she held the large shell up to her ear to hear the waves.

  “Thanks. That’s sweet and goodness knows I can use all the good luck I can get.” After pausing a moment she asked, “So what are you going to do now that you were written off the soap opera?”

  “Actually I’m expecting a phone call from my agent any minute now,” he said. “He went out tonight with a big-time producer in Canada. He’s trying to get me the starring role in a movie.”

  “Wow! Sounds big time. I hope you get it.”

  “Thanks. It’s been a long time coming.”

  They were back at the beach entrance of the hotel. “I’ve had a great time tonight,” Vivian said.

  He leaned down and gave her another passionate kiss. “I had a great time, too, Vivian. I know that things are going to turn out great for you. I can feel it.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder and he squeezed her tight to him. She melted perfectly into his form.

  After a little bit she pulled back. “Are you not going up?”

  “No, I’m going to wait a little while longer and see if my agent calls. See you tomorrow, though.” He leaned down for one more kiss.

  “Tomorrow,” Vivian said, flashing her sexiest smile, then she turned and walked toward the lobby. She did hope to see him tomorrow. Though not ready for any kind of relationship, especially a long-distance one, she was not opposed to continuing her fun on vacation in Mexico.

  She reached the lobby entrance and turned around. He was on his phone down by the water. He looked up at her, smiled and waved. Maybe he got the part? She waved back and went inside.


  Day 3

  BANG! BANG! Bang!

  “Who the hell is banging on our door?” Vivian groaned from the couch.

  Lucy, who had fallen asleep naked on the bed, made a mad dash for the bathroom.

  Vivian kicked off her covers but Kate beat her to the door. Arturo, in uniform, stood on their stoop, along with another guy they didn’t recognize.

  Kate talked to them for a second then let them in. She shouted to Lucy that they had visitors, to which Lucy shouted back that she needed clothes. Wendy hopped out of bed, grabbed random items of clothing out of Lucy’s bag and shoved them through the bathroom door.

  Vivian sat up on the couch, pulled the covers up to her chin and wondered why the hell Kate let them in. No one was dressed for visitors.

  Arturo introduced the other man as Detective Vega and casually pointed to Vivian on the couch.

  Detective Vega looked her dead in the eye. “Ms. Taylor, we need you to come with us to the station to answer a few questions.”

  Why does he know my name? Alarm bells went off in Vivian’s head.

  Her grip on the covers tightened. “The station? Why?”

  After a moment of awkward silence Arturo answered, “Jon was found on the beach.”

  Vivian looked at Arturo, then at Detective Vega. “What do you mean ‘found’?”

  Vega took two steps toward her, tapping the gun on his hip. “Found dead.”

  Vivian’s head started to spin and she saw a dark tunnel closing in. Little stars appeared and streaked toward her. She heard Kate calling her name in the distance but she could only hear one thing. Her voice saying:

  “Holy crap. Jon is dead-ola.”


  THE GIRLS were shocked at the news of Jon’s death. Wendy and Kate stared, mouths agape, at a stunned Vivian. Lucy gasped behind the bathroom door and said “Holy Mary Mother of God.”

  “Dead? You mean, as in not breathing?” Vivian asked in a minute, after the threat of passing out was gone.

  “He is definitely not breathing,” Vega said.

  Vivian shook her head, not wanting to take this in. “How did he die?”

  Vega squinted his eyes at her. “The coroner is looking into that now.”

  “Why do you need me?”

  “The hotel bartender said you two were together late last night. He saw you walk to the beach.”

  “Well yes, we were together, but…”

  He cut her off. “Save it for the station.”

  She furrowed her brow and thought: Rude! Then it clicked with her what he just said. “The station.”

  Wendy stepped between them and said, “She’s not going anywhere without us. You’re just going to have to wait a few minutes while we get dressed. She goes, we go.”

  “I had planned on extending the invitation to all of you,” Vega said. “You have 10 minutes.” Vivian felt a chill down her spine at the tone of his voice.

  As Arturo and Vega went through the door, Vega turned and added, “Bring your passports,” then slammed the door.

  “I can’t believe he’s dead,” Vivian said, tears welling in her eyes. “I just can’t believe it.”

  Wendy looked at her. “What in the world did y’all do last night?”

  “Nothing! We came back here, had a drink at the bar, went for a walk on the beach and,” Vivian had to choke out the last few words, “that was it.”

  “Did you go back to his room?” she asked more gently.

  Vivian wiped her eyes, trying to stave off the coming flood. “No. He didn’t even walk me up. I left him on the beach.”

  Lucy cracked the bathroom door, her shoulders still bare. “Did they say Jon is dead?”

  Vivian nodded in response.

  Lucy opened the door fully and came out wrapped in a towel. “Our Jon is dead? As in the guy you were makin’ out with last night? I don’t believe it.”

h,” Vivian whispered.

  “When did you come in? I never heard you,” Wendy asked.

  “Me, neither,” Kate said.

  “I was quiet,” Vivian said, sniffled, then continued, “and y’all were totally out. Of course you didn’t hear me.” As the first tear leaked out, she pointed to Lucy and continued, “and you were naked on the bed so I slept on the couch. I was probably in here by 2:30.”

  “I didn’t hear you come in either, but I’ll never admit that, Viv. I’ll say whatever you need me to say.” Lucy turned and went back into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Kate sat down next to Vivian. “Do you think they think you did it?”

  “No, I doubt it,” Wendy said, trying to sound calm. She sat down on the other side of Vivian. “They probably just need a timeline or something. They couldn’t honestly think you…” her voice trailed off.

  That did it. Vivian doubled over, her head in her lap, as sobs wracked her body. Her world, which she had barely started to put back together, had been shaken to the core yet again. Rick’s betrayal and the divorce had been awful, but the death of a friend, even a newly found friend, in the prime of his life, was more than she could handle at the moment.

  Kate couldn’t hold back her emotions and reached over in a half hug which was completed by a tearful Wendy. Lucy, fully dressed, knelt in front of Vivian and joined the group hug, also crying.

  Finally, after several long minutes, Vivian sat up, took a deep breath and attempted to regain her composure. “It has to be an accident or something.”

  “Maybe he went for a swim and drown?” Lucy said. “Y’all did drink quite a bit.”

  “Well, for drowning, Detective Vega sure seems pissed off.” Wendy handed out tissues and wiped her eyes.

  “You’ll be okay, Viv.” Kate tried to reassure her, then glanced at the clock. “We better get ready to go.”

  Vivian went through the motions and before she knew it, their 10 minutes was up.

  Detective Vega banged on the door. “Vamanos!”

  The girls grabbed their purses, passports included, and left the room.