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Getaway Girlz Page 4
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Page 4
Manuel came by and offered more beverages. “Bottled water for that one,” Wendy said, pointing to Lucy.
“Manuel, no mas for Lucy!” Vivian said. “She’s cut off. She’s got to make it out with us tonight.”
Manuel gave them a grin and a wink. “Señorita es muy loco! Crazy!”
“Manuel, Lucy’s tolerance for alcohol is about the same as her tolerance for the sun. Zero, zilch, nada,” Vivian said. “Please, no mas for now.”
He gave her a thumbs up.
Wendy looked over at Lucy and shook her head. Then she noticed Lucy’s arm had turned a not-so-subtle shade of scarlet.
“Lucy, your elbow looks like it’s been in the sun too long. You’re moving up the pale scale!”
Lucy giggled and didn’t bother to move her arm or the umbrella, probably because she couldn’t. Wendy got up and tilted the umbrella, knowing the importance of pastiness to her.
Kate made herself a small plate of food and gracefully took her chair back to resume her sun soaking. Vivian thought she looked like a movie star with her huge sunglasses and her hot-pink, bikini-perfect body.
“So how’s married life? You and Shaun still livin’ in honeymoon mania?” Vivian asked her.
Kate gave a thoughtful grin. “We dated for so long before we were married that I thought our relationship would be the same, but it’s not. It’s better! We are closer than ever. In fact, we’re looking at property, and I’ve started working on the plans for a house.” She took a chip, scooped on salsa and crunched down.
Kate was a mongo-talented architect and had worked for the same firm since graduating from UT. Her mom was from Taiwan, and her dad had been an American sailor. The combo produced a stunning, slim, runwayesque femme with light brown hair, hazel eyes and a natural allure that men found irresistible. Inner beauty completed the package: brains, looks, kindness. Kate had it all.
“And will this house have a nursery?” Vivian had to ask.
“Oh, we both want kids but not until the house is finished. In the meantime, we’re considering a dog.”
Wendy was a dog fanatic, and her ears perked up. “What kind? Boxers are great! My two are protective when they need to be but otherwise so sweet.”
“We were thinking standard poodle,” Kate said. “That or go and pick out the ugliest dog from a shelter who is doomed to die. We’ll see.”
“Go with the shelter then,” Wendy said. “My good ol’ girl, Radar, came from the SPCA. I’m so glad I adopted her.”
Obviously all was well with Kate, so Vivian turned to Wendy. “What’s up with you and Jake? Y’all still hot and heavy?”
Wendy, never one to bed and blab, rubbed her sandy feet together. “I have to admit, it’s going well. Believe it or not, I’m starting to think he may be the one.”
Kate and Vivian looked at each other, eyes wide. Lucy finished her quesadilla and stayed silent in her shade.
“Wow, the one.” Vivian said. “I’m shocked!”
“I know, me too,” she said. “I can really see us together long term. One thing though, Jake never wanted to stay in Houston permanently. In fact, he had an interview last week with a company in his hometown.”
Vivian didn’t realize he wasn’t from Houston.
“Where’s that?” she asked.
“Winston-Salem, North Carolina. They say it’s pretty there.”
Who are “they?” Vivian wondered and tensed up a little. North Carolina was far. She tried to keep her voice calm. “You planning on moving if he goes?”
Lucy picked her head up off the chair. “Girl, don’t move until there’s a ring on your finger.”
A moment of clarity for the inebriated, Vivian thought.
Wendy laughed. “We’ll see what happens. We’re not quite there yet.”
Kate and Vivian looked at each other again and in unison gave a big “Hmmm…”
Lucy suddenly swung her legs out of the shade and stood up, rather gracefully, considering.
“I’m hot. Hand me the bucket of beer, will ya, Viv?”
Vivian looked at it and then back at Lucy. Two beers remained, but she and Wendy were almost done with theirs.
“You want a beer?”
“No, no. No beer. I need the bucket.”
A bit unsure, Vivian removed the two beers and handed it to Lucy.
Lucy dumped the cold water in the sand and put the bucket on her head. It fit perfectly.
“Ahhh, that’s better.”
The handle hugged her chin like a helmet strap and the bucket came down to just above her eyes. She started dancing around which was odd behavior, especially since there was no music, only crashing waves.
“I guess we need to make some music for this wild woman!” Vivian laughed and stood up to dance with her. The words to “Safety Dance” popped into her head.
Vivian sang with gusto, though when it came time to sing “safety,” she replaced it with “bucket,” given Lucy’s head gear.
Wendy and Kate hopped up, joining in the goofiness. They received strange looks from other beach-goers.
Manuel walked past and Lucy snatched his arm and swung him around in a do-si-do move. He tossed his cocktail tray on the nearest lounger and round he went.
Vivian decided the moment needed to be captured forever, so she paused to get out her camera and snapped a few.
They kept singing but couldn’t remember all the words. Eventually, Lucy, still wearing the bucket, released Manuel’s arm and plopped back down into her chair, not so gracefully this time.
“Thanks, Manuel. You rocked the bucket dance,” she said, then laid back and let the bucket slide down over her eyes.
“Guess we won’t be seeing Lucy for a while,” Vivian said. “I’m burnin’ up. Let’s go down to the water. Manuel, get us another, will ya, por favor?” She tapped the bucket on Lucy’s head.
“Si, bucket babes. No problema,” he said, and did the bucket dance all the way back to the bar.
WENDY, KATE and Vivian left Lucy dozing on the beach and headed for the crystal clear ocean.
The water was cool enough to enjoy but warm enough it didn’t freeze them out. The waves rolled gently and they picked a spot that was constantly being refreshed. Vivian laughed about feeling very Bo Derek in 10, minus the braids.
Manuel arrived with the b-o-b just in time to get hit by a knee-high wave. The hazards of working at the beach.
Vivian decided to build a sandcastle in honor of her kiddos. She was no architect, and Kate shook her head as Vivian mounded sand into a few lumps here and there. The waves kept encroaching which called for a moat. Vivian lacked good moat-building tools, so she improvised with her feet, digging her heels deep.
“This is probably good for my calluses,” she said.
Wendy and Kate picked out a few seashells and decorated Vivian’s tee-pee shaped mounds of sand.
They were on the finishing touches when two jet skis roared up, creating a tidal wave that annihilated Vivian’s creation.
Kate laughed and said it was probably for the best, but Wendy glared at the two guys who caused the destruction. Seeing the anger flash in her eyes, one of the men hopped off the jet ski and apologized.
“I’m so sorry, ladies. We’re still learning how to handle these things. Did we interrupt something-ola?”
“I’d say so!” Wendy harrumphed and pointed to the mound of wet sand that used to be a not-so work of art. She tended to be protective of her friends, even in situations as minor as the demolition of a crappy sandcastle.
The guy pulled the jet ski up to balance on the beach and crouched down next to Vivian.
Sweaty or not, he smelled good. A mix of musky and salty. Downright lickalicious. Vivian could feel his body heat, which got her a little flushed, and couldn’t help but stare at his mouth.
He was about 6-2, dark hair, brown eyes, but zero tan. He was the definition of pasty. He’d score a three on the pale scale (and that was giving him a point for being so cute
). He wore a knee-length black and white tropical print swimsuit, no shirt underneath a life jacket. His teeth were dazzlingly white, and his lips were the most beautiful deep red Vivian had ever seen. Mmm mmmm good.
The other jet skier had more of a bodybuilder physique but was just as pale. With his shaved head, he was handsome in the same fashion as Mr. Clean. His swimsuit was a little shorter, and crimson red, which was a stark contrast to his skin.
“It was completely unintentional,” lips said, flashing a spectacular, boyish grin. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Vivian said. “It wasn’t any good anyway.”
“I’m sure it was pure genius.” He pushed the sand back into some sort of pile. “I feel terrible. We needed another layer of sunscreen, and our stuff is here. I really am sorry-ola. Can I make it up to you somehow?”
“No, no. It’s no biggie. ” Vivian shrugged, and started to stand up.
He stood and reached for her hand, helping her.
“I insist,” he said. “We have 30 minutes left on our rental. Tell you what, we can take turns taking the three of you out, and afterwards I’ll help you make another sand masterpiece. It might even turn out better than what you had.”
Vivian looked over at Kate and Wendy. They nodded in approval with goofy smiles on their faces. “Okay, sounds fun.” Vivian splashed water on her legs to wash sand off. “I’ve never been on a jet ski before.”
“It’s fun-ola!” He stuck out his hand again. “I’m Jon. This is Pierre."
Vivian took his hand and shook it. He had a strong grip, but didn’t squeeze her to death, and smooth skin, yet a little rough. Nice combination.
“Our sunscreen is right over there.” He pointed up the beach toward the hotel. “Just give us a sec and we’ll be ready to go. I can feel the sun frying me as I speak,” he said then turned around and jogged up toward their beach chairs. Pierre followed. Vivian watched.
Wendy and Kate came up on either side of her, then went around in front to block her view.
“Oh my god Viv, he’s sooo totally flirting with you!” Wendy squealed and playfully swatted Vivian’s arm.
“Nah, he’s just feeling bad because of the sandcastle,” Vivian said.
“That had nothing to do with any sandcastle,” Kate said. “I swear I’ve never known anyone with pheromones like you! You’ve had them since puberty. Guys practically lie at your feet wherever we go.”
Vivian and Kate have had this discussion before. Kate was convinced Vivian exuded lust inducers.
“Whatever. I stink! I’ve been sweating in the sun.”
“Maybe that makes them stronger,” Kate teased. “I’m jealous.”
“Yeah, and I’m jealous of your perfect ass, so we’re even.”
Kate turned around and smacked it.
Wendy interrupted. “He’s not lying down at your feet, but he’s totally into you, you lucky dog. He’s gorgeous. Did you see that mouth!”
“Yeah, I saw it,” And with that they turned and watched him slather on the sunscreen. It made him even whiter and look kinda goofy.
He caught them looking and waved. Wendy and Kate turned back to Vivian, their eyebrows sky high.
“Okay, he may be flirting a little,” Vivian said. “I haven’t been flirted with in forever! What should I do?”
She couldn’t help but be flattered. It had been 10 years since she could “for real” reciprocate flirting.
“Jump on that horse and ride him like he’s never been ridden before.” Wendy did a little gallop around Kate and Vivian, waving a pretend lasso in the air.
“What? I just met him and I’m not divorced yet. I can’t do that.”
“Viv, Rick has this comin’, that jerk,” Kate said. “The whole ‘do unto others’ logic applies here. Besides, he’ll never know. And I guarantee ya we’re not tellin’.”
Vivian gawked at her. “I can’t believe you of all people just said that.”
Kate shrugged.
Vivian didn’t have time to respond because Jon walked up. Pierre was still by their beach chairs, putting on sunscreen.
“You didn’t tell me your name-olas,” he said, looking at Vivian.
“I’m Vivian. This is Kate.” She gave a small wave. “And this is Wendy.” Another wave.
Vivian looked up at Jon. “Before I do this, I have to ask: What’s with the ‘ola’?”
“Oh,” he smiled. “I can’t speak Spanish, so it’s my version-ola! The tourists don’t seem to mind. The locals, however, think I’m crazy-ola!”
They all laughed.
“Are you ready for your ride?” he asked and flashed those pearly whites.
“Actually, Jon, there are four of us fabulous femmes. One of us is similar in skin tone to yourself and won’t leave her umbrella,” Vivian said, then pointed to passed-out Lucy.
Pierre walked up. “What’s this I hear about an umbrella?”
“Their friend is refusing to leave the safety of her umbrella.” Jon hooked a thumb toward Lucy. “They don’t feel they can leave her.”
Pierre rubbed his bald head, which was a shade or two pinker than the rest of him. “An umbrella is sounding pretty good right now. How about the four of you go? I’ll go introduce myself to your friend and put my sunburned head under the shade. What’s her name?”
“Lucy,” Wendy replied, “but she’s taking a nap, compliments of Tiempo Loco tequila. She may not respond.”
Pierre laughed. “No worries. I’ll just borrow the shade.”
“Cool! She’s the one with the bucket on her head,” Vivian said.
He cocked his head to the side and looked at Vivian like she was crazy. “I’ll need to hear that story later,” he said, and handed Wendy his life jacket and the jet ski key. “You’ll find me and Lucy in the shade. I’ll be the one sans bucket.”
He walked over to the girls’ spot, and quietly sat down on the lounger next to Lucy. He looked at Vivian and gave a thumbs up. She waved back.
“Well, there you have it. The two shade seekers. Let’s do this!” Jon unbuckled his life jacket. “Have either of you ridden on a jet ski?”
“I rode one once, many moons ago,” Wendy said. “It’s like riding a bike, but Jon, is someone besides you and Pierre allowed to operate this? Aren’t there rules and waivers and stuff?”
“Nahhhh! This is Mexico-ola!”
He held out his life jacket as if it were a coat and offered it to Vivian. She stuck her arms in, a little nervous about getting on a jet ski with a stranger, and such a good-looking one at that. She started buckling the clasps from the bottom but ran into a little problem once she hit the DDs.
“The strap release will give you more room,” Jon said, grinning and pointing to it.
“Gotcha,” Vivian said and tugged for more strap, then got clicked in.
Wendy gave Pierre’s life jacket to Kate. “Since I’m doin’ the driving, you’re more likely to fall off.” Kate put it on without comment, though she had the opposite problem as Vivian when she clasped the top.
Jon helped Wendy and Kate get on the jet ski then pushed them into deeper water. Wendy revved up the machine and took off, giving a “yeeeehawww” as she pulled away.
Jon got on the other jet ski and helped Vivian on behind him. She wasn’t quite sure where to put her hands.
He sensed her hesitation and turned to face her. “Put your arms around my waist.” He pushed the jet ski back form the beach. “And hang on tight. I’m pushing this baby full throttle-ola!”
JON GUNNED the engine which raised the nose of the jet ski and he slid back into Vivian. She held on for dear life. Eventually they leveled out and her nerves began to settle. She unclenched her fists, opened her hands and felt his stomach. His muscles tightened when they were about to hit a wave, and she hoped it wasn’t obvious she was enjoying it so much.
They flew along the coast, jumping waves and careening side to side. Jon let off the gas a bit and pointed out the hot spots in Pla
“The hotel over there is the Yellow Dragonfly,” he looked back over his shoulder and said. “It’s super-trendy. The place to be seen on the Playa scene. The bar next door is the Purple Peacock, one of the best in Playa. You totally have to go there.”
God, he feels good. Vivian tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but it wasn’t easy. Her hands hadn’t touched another man since Rick, who was a little doughy around the middle. His idea of a workout was punching the buttons on a remote control. She was glad she started anew with Jon. Rather than drinkin’ a six pack, he sported one. Plus, he had soft skin and not a lot of hair. Rick was no Sasquatch, but Jon was different from what she was accustomed to.
Wendy and Kate pulled up next to them, then zoomed off. Kate looked terrified as Wendy cranked the engine and sought waves to propel into.
Jon glanced at a timer attached to the jet ski and said they better head back. He waved to Wendy to follow and flipped a 180.
Vivian took a moment to look out into the turquoise water. A sailboat dotted the horizon, but not much else. The jet ski noise seemed to fade into the background, and she felt overwhelmed by the emptiness of the ocean. Jon softly touched her hand that was still around his waist.
They pulled into a section of beach with half a dozen jet skis lined up, waiting for takers. A guy ran into the water to meet them. Jon hopped off and took Vivian’s hand while she swung her leg over the seat and got off. Her legs shook as she stood up. Is it from the vibration of the jet ski or my nerves? He walked her to the edge of the water, then helped Wendy and Kate. How polite is he? Vivian had lived 10 years with someone lacking chivalry; which had dimmed her expectations.
Wendy and Kate walked over to Vivian with giant smiles on their faces. Jon shook hands with the vendor guy and said, “gracias-ola.” The guy gave him a weird look. Jon turned and walked over to the girls.
He reached towards Vivian’s breasts and unbuckled the top clasp of her life jacket, startling her.
“As fashionable as this makes you look, we have to give it back.”